¡Libera el Poder del Seguimiento Unificado de Anuncios con PeerClick!

¿Estás buscando una solución de seguimiento de anuncios que lleve tus campañas más allá de los límites de Google y Facebook Ads? ¡Tu búsqueda termina aquí!

Mejora tu juego de seguimiento con PeerClick, donde las perspicaces perspectivas se encuentran con una comodidad sin igual, todo bajo el lema de las funcionalidades de Seguir, Optimizar, y Piloto Automático.

¿Cómo puedo acceder a PeerClick?

Sin PeerClick
Pierdes tiempo y dinero adivinando quién, dónde y cuándo realmente hace clic en tus anuncios. Saltas entre diferentes plataformas, ahogándote en datos dispersos.
Con PeerClick
Controlas toda tu publicidad desde un solo panel, sabiendo sobre cada impresión, visita, clic y conversión. Puedes aprovechar las oportunidades y prevenir obstáculos antes de que sucedan.

Improve your ad performance with PeerClick!


Rastrea todo en un solo lugar.

¿Qué tipo de anuncios ejecutas? ¿Nativos, display, pop, email, búsqueda, push, social, video? ¿Pagos u orgánicos? ¡PeerClick te permite rastrearlo todo! Con o sin redireccionamientos. Gracias a nuestros informes superrápidos, puedes monitorear fácilmente más de 30 métricas sobre cada visita, clic y conversión de todas tus fuentes, ¡con una sola herramienta y en tiempo real!

Optimiza los anuncios para un mejor rendimiento.

Al permitirte dirigirte a audiencias relevantes con rutas basadas en segmentación avanzaday soluciones impulsadas por AI, PeerClick detecta rápidamente las combinaciones más amigables con la conversión de tráfico, ofertas, creatividades y páginas de destino... Además, con nuestro sistema Anti-Fraud, detecta y previene el fraude publicitario/robots que arruinan las estadísticas de tu campaña y desperdician tu presupuesto. ¡Usa nuestros informes de bots para obtener reembolsos de las fuentes por tráfico fraudulento!

Automatiza tu publicidad

¡Deja de saltar entre plataformas! El piloto automático de PeerClick te permite integrar completamente múltiples fuentes de tráfico a través de API y gestionar campañas automáticamente.! ¿Alguna vez has querido evitar el interminable trabajo manual? ¡Ahora tienes LA oportunidad!

What makes PeerClick great for you?

Don’t lose money

Track 30+ data points of each impression, visit, click and conversion. Get extensive, real time reporting from all paid and organic sources.

Quick set up

Avoid click loss and wasted traffic thanks to 100% uptime since 2015 and the fastest redirects in under 5ms.

Get actionable data

We’ll help you make the transition to PeerClick hassle-free. Training sessions, live webinars, 24/7 chat, migration tools from other trackers. Start a campaign quickly with 35+ ready to implement traffic.

Block Bots

Use the built in Anti-Fraud Protection to identify suspicious behavior. Block the bot traffic source, and get proof to claim a refund.

Automate Your Work

Join thousands of affiliates who achieve on average 30% higher ROI just by automating their optimization with our AI tools.

Scale Easily

PeerClick generates real-time reports in under 2s, on average. No matter how much traffic you throw at Peerclick, we’ll handle it.

Features that deliver

From advanced reporting, to fraud protection and advanced automation – PeerClick tracker will take care of all your advertising needs.

Fastest redirect

With PeerClick redirects take 2ms compared to over 200ms in other trackers. Delays and slow loading pages lead to lost traffic. Fast redirects avoid that.

Antifraud protection

Anti-Fraud Protection provides you with a suit of tools to identify suspicious traffic so you can block it at the source and get firm evidence to claim a refund from a traffic source.

Direct tracking pixel

You can even track ad exchanges and networks that don’t allow theinitial redirect.

Traffic distribution AI

Save time, money and effort optimizing your campaigns thanks to Peerclick advance AI. Analyses your campaigns in real-time to distribute traffic to the best performing offers, landers or paths.

Collaboration tools

Organize and Manage your campaigns more effectively and share reports with business partners.

Custom Conversion Tracking

Set multiple conversion types to track all actions taken by users throughout their customer lifecycle (LTV).

Traffic Source & Affiliate Network Templates

Access 55+ templates for the most popular traffic sources and 20+ for the most chosen affiliate networks to set up your campaigns hassle-free.

Reporting API

Manage entities and generate reports using REST API with JSON.


Get desktop notifications when your performance suddenly changes. Set your own rules for campaigns and offers; add multiple conditions; once they're met, get a notification and take immediate action.

Utilizing our tracking system and AI-driven optimization

tools for sports betting, iGaming, and mobile ad campaigns will significantly boost your profitability.
"We always relied on SEO to attract customers, and media buying was a new endeavor for us. Thanks to the Peerclick team, we obtained three personal introductions to three popular native ad networks. Now, paid media brings us 40% of our customer base."

Customer from a sports betting and poker website

- loyal for 2 years

"I previously attempted to use paid advertising, but it simply didn't yield results for us - or so I thought. With the assistance of our account manager and Peerclick's guidance, we finally configured everything and discovered sources that brought us engaged players with a good lifetime value. Today, I can't imagine our customer acquisition strategy without paid media."

Leading provider of online casino games

- customer for 1.5 years

"Our traffic used to be entirely organic, and we struggled with low visitation rates. However, since connecting with high-performing native sources, we not only receive more traffic on our site but also obtain 30% of our conversions from paid ads."

Customer from a US online poker network

- loyal for 3 years